Tag Archives: Mond International Nickel

Honesty Pays Off

In January 1929, my Dad drove west to Tiger, Colorado where Royal Tiger Mines had hired him. It was his first job after completing his engineering studies. He was employed there for a mere two weeks. His honesty cost him his job.

A page from the Mariner  Harbor High Yearbook 1923

My Dad, Kaarlo Victor Lindell was born November 14, 1905, and grew up in Ashtabula, Ohio, the son of Finnish immigrants where Finnish was spoken in the home. He attended Ashtabula Harbor High School. He was a go-getter. He went about town reading meters, ran the projector in the local movie theatre, worked as an assistant cook on the ore boats on the Great Lakes, and consequently made his way to Houghton, Michigan where he graduated  in 1928 as a Mining Engineer at Michigan College of Mines, now known as Michigan Technological University – MTI) in Houghton, Michigan.

Upon graduation he drove  to Tiger, Colorado where he had been hired by Royal Tiger Mines. Below are two articles written about his very short time in Colorado.

https://genealogyensemble.com/?s=Life+Changing+Events   2023

https://genealogyensemble.com/?s=Life+Decisions   2014

Once more he set out on the long drive back east after contacting his Alma Mater in Michigan.. They suggested that the International Nickel Company (Inco) in Copper Cliff, Ontario had positions for newly minted mining engineers. His next goal was to head north in his 1928 Ford Model T to the Canadian Border where he entered Ontario, Canada January 31, 1929. It was the beginning of a stellar mining career that took him around the globe.

On Dad’s 1929 Canadian Income Tax form indicates the time he was employed by Royal Tiger Mines in Tiger, Colorado.   Jan 1,1929 – Jan 15,1929      

Times were difficult with the depression (1929-1941) looming on the horizon and employment at an all-time low, and certainly not the ideal time to be seeking a job. Dad was among the fortunate ones.

While driving back east from Colorado to Ohio, he must have imagined the path ahead. His future was before him. He had taken the necessary steps to secure another job.

He began working for Inco in the Sudbury area where the company recognized his work ethic and ability to speak fluent Finnish. In 1934 Inco seconded him to Mond Nickel an International company (England) with offices in London.1, The purpose of the trip: to explore the possibilities of opening a nickel mine in northern Finland. At the time, there were rumblings and talks of a war brewing in Europe, and nickel was deemed essential in manufacturing tanks and artillery.

Kaarlo Victor Lindell’s Passport

Dad being an American citizen had his United States of America passport issued in Toronto, Ontario June 25, 1934 before he departed for England and Finland.

The Empress of Britain .2

In June 1934 Dad set sail on the Empress of Britain and made his way from Southampton to the London offices of Mond Nickel. During his stay as the necessary arrangements were being prepared for the next leg of his trip to Finland he took advantage of this time to enjoy the city. He attended the famous Henley Regatta 3. and took the delightful photograph of people enjoying Trafalgar Square.  

Once all the all the necessary Mond Nickel documents were completed Dad was ready to make his way to Helsinki, the capital located in the southern tip of Finland and then by car to Petsamo, one of the most northern villages in the country.

This trip to England and Finland was the first of many overseas trips to mining sites around the world. In many ways, it may perhaps be the most important one of his forty-year career as a mining engineer. 1930-1970.

To be continued in Part 2 The Exploration Trip tp Finland

Sources: Photographs by Karl Victor Lindell

  1. https://www.sudburymuseums.ca/index.cfm?app=w_vmuseum&lang=en&currID=2171&parID=2170   an explanation of Mond International
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RMS_Empress_of_Britain_(1930)
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henley_Royal_Regatta in
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trafalgar_Square